Front-end Web Developer
Online: I love learning and building beautiful websites and stuff for the web. I'm teaching myself to code with the help of countless individuals and communities as I pursue turning this passion into more than a free time hobby.
Offline: A typical Hausa man from Kano, northern part of Nigeria. Love traveling around the country, it's hard to improve my learning, but that doesn't stop me from trying different methods. Sadly, living in remote area with limited internet access and electricity.
The first project for Free Code Camp's Front-End Certification - a tribute page to someone you admire. I chose my hero, Cheikh Tioté, who died in 2017. This was my first real attempt to build a website and my first experience with Bootstrap.
Bootstrap HTML CSS
The first project for intermediate fornt-end developement project in Free Code Camp's Front-End Certification - a random quotes machine that genarate random quotes. This was my first experience with API.
Default HTML CSS
This weather app shows the current weather of your location, the day, time, wind direction and barometer. The API is from Also use material design concept.
Bootstrap HTML CSS